Drinking Water Plant
The in house water treatment plant which uses the Reverse Osmosis technique is fully functional . The water filters are arranged at every floor for easy access to our students and staff.
Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is encouraged in school. Watching plants grow which were sowed/planted and taken care of by the students is a fun and educational experience for them. Growing plants teaches children how the nature works and make them feel responsible .
Students visit their vegetable patches to observe the growth of the plants and take the harvest home to share their joy with the parents. They also advice their parents to have green house.
Solar Energy
Generating sustainable energy is the way to go forward. We have installed solar panels which creates electricity up to 90Kva. Our students are aware of these panels their importance and understand how we believe in sustainability and work towards sustainable designs and equipment.
Sewage Treatment Plant
Treating Sewage water to use it for gardening is one of the techniques for optimum usage of water. The sewage treatment plant in school can filter upto 65KLD of water.
Rain Water Harvestin
Rain water harvesting is a technique of collection and storage of rainwater into internal tanks, to filter it back for usage. We have a 1Lakh capacity tank for this and have been using it to do our bit in conserving water. Water Sprinklers are connected to the rain harvesting unit.
Waste Management
Waste Management is an important aspect to sustainability.It is required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. The most important reason for waste collection is the protection of the environment and the health of our new generation.
Dry and Wet Waste Management
Hence understanding this need of the hour, Birla Open Minds International School has initiated Waste Management by providing an Electric Instant Compost creating machine in our main campus. The organic Compost is used as manure in the upkeep of the school garden. The school also has different bins across the campus to segregate Dry and Wet Waste. Students have been sensitised about the same.
E-Waste Management
The School is associated with E-Waste Management company The Waste Ventures India which collects the E-waste from the school. Thus we have a strong E-Waste management system.